Are You Advertising At Each Stage Of The Marketing Funnel?
Ross Kernez is Director of Search Marketing at Hpone, Mentor at Starta Ventures, and Founder of SEOMeetup.
Understanding the marketing funnel is where it all begins.
People need to develop trust in your product and brand. They need to learn more before they part with their hard-earned cash. They want to know whom they are buying from and if your product is the right fit for them. How is what you’re selling better than the competition?
These are just some of the hurdles you must overcome before a prospect becomes a customer.
Pour In That Traffic
If we think of a funnel, a real-world funnel receives some kind of substance in a large, slightly uncontrollable way. The funnel takes this large volume of substance and gradually controls it, guides it, targets it, into a narrow area.
Now, in marketing, the substance we are pouring into the funnel is traffic. Cold traffic, to be exact. The funnel works by slowly taking in all this cold traffic and ensuring that the correct message is being delivered at the appropriate time (message matching).
We are funneling or guiding traffic through our funnel in a systematic process so that we are able to regulate and ensure the maximum number of prospects come out the bottom as paid customers.
Choose Your Traffic Wisely And Match Your Message
Higher quality traffic is made up of people with greater affinity and a need for your product or solution. This higher quality traffic equates to a higher converting funnel.
Once you identify who will likely make up your high-quality traffic, the next step is to match your message to the prospect’s current state of awareness. This will enable you to meet the prospect where they are at. If you “message match” properly, it will feel to the prospect that you are inside their head and that your offer comes exactly at the right time.
Funnel Segmentation
The funnel is divisible into three parts, which we’ll want to segment so we can plan our marketing campaigns more easily. Think back to the earlier analogy of pouring traffic into our funnel so that we can control the substance with greater precision.
Top Of Funnel (TOF)
People at the top of the funnel are referred to as cold traffic, or people who are at the more “unaware” end of the spectrum in relation to your brand, product or service. These are people, for example, who are seeing your ad for the first time. They are unfamiliar with your brand and the unique things about it.
In terms of ads, such as on Facebook, your TOF ads will target audiences that you have carefully defined and created — like a sculptor chiseling into a large rock. You definitely don’t want to be showing discount coupons and scarcity announcements at this stage of the funnel.
Middle Of Funnel (MOF)
Individuals in the middle of the funnel are often referred to as “warm traffic.” They have had some exposure to your brand. They understand that your company and product are definitely an option to the problem they have, which you have expertly demonstrated you understand. Perhaps you have even introduced your product or service at this stage
In regard to paid ads, you will want to retarget your MOF audience with ads that warm them up and guide them down the funnel. For example, on Facebook, some of your MOF ads will show to lookalike audiences, which are essentially audiences created from data (which you paid for at the TOF) and specific actions, such as add-to-carts or purchases that Facebook has tracked — its algorithm is used to identify and create audiences with similar user interest profiles.
Bottom Of Funnel (BOF)
These are your “hot” prospects. These ads will be targeting people close to the “most aware” end of the spectrum. Discount offers, scarcity and other hot prospect messaging will work best here.
This stage of the funnel is where you will see your greatest return on ad spend (ROAS). Some funnels will actually lose money at the TOF, but make it up (and then some) later on at the bottom of the funnel.
Unfortunately, I find that many people give up on paid ads at the TOF, seeing no immediate ROAS. By understanding the funnel concept, however, you can begin to invest a bit more capital and keep going — discovering huge returns at the BOF.
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