February 19, 2025

Costaalegre Restaurant

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Facebook and Skype Merger – What This Means for Business

Not long after the big news of Microsoft purchasing Skype, the trending buzz is now about the integration of Skype into Facebook which combines both social networking and video talking/conferencing into one social media platform. The merger of Skype into Facebook has elicited more positive reactions from Facebook users who now have the option to initiate video chatting and conferencing with their friends and loved ones from across the globe, making it more convenient than ever to stay in touch. On the other hand, the news also triggered reservations from Skype users, mostly small to mid size businesses, who fear that the merging will affect the Skype clientele on non-Microsoft platforms. However, Microsoft confirmed in a news release that they will still continue to invest in and support Skype clients on non-Microsoft platforms. Hence, Skype users have nothing to worry about after all.

In fact, the merger between Facebook and Skype might even give way for more business opportunities and advertising tools for small to mid size businesses. Video conferencing has become beneficial for individuals who work from home, as well as small to mid size business who leverage on video communications as a good way to hold web meetings and connect with far-flung teams. It is not only cost-effective, but as well as more productive and convenient. Imagine attending a web conference in the convenience of your own house, or anywhere you might be at that time. With a laptop, smart phone, or Ipad and a Wi-Fi connection, you can get online and connect with your team on the fly.

The revolutionary video chatting application in Facebook will allow Facebook users to create an impromptu video chat in mere seconds. Most companies, from small to mid size, have already leveraged the power of social media like Facebook to expand their reach and create an online presence. Most businesses have set up their own Facebook pages and Facebook groups to get more exposure and elicit more followers through online social interaction. With the new video conferencing application, this will even give way for companies to interact with their followers in a more personalized way to built trust and credibility. The same way it will be easier for “groups” to discuss and share ideas on relevant topics with the use of video conferencing. Businesses can also leveraged on video conferencing in Facebook when launching a campaign or hosting an event. They can send out invitations to their followers to join them in a web conference for any product launch or promotional event. This is actually a creative way for business to reach out to their fan base or groups. A live, online video meeting will allow the participants to see their facial expression and body language, eliciting a more personalized approach. Video conferencing is also a good way to connect with business partners, suppliers and colleagues across different offices, and even overseas. It is also useful for businesses wanting to outsource staff from other countries and conducting interviews and web meetings. It is a FREE resource that any business can use to grow and expand their network of followers, secure business opportunities and outsource services from overseas, all in the same social media platform.

With the merging of Skype and Facebook, we can only expect for more revolutionary changes in social media in the future that will only give wings to businesses to grow their online presence in a whole new level.

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